About Matan B'Sayser

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What began as a small organization close to 4 decades ago, has developed into a most vital organization in the community lending assistance to those in financial need. Matan B’Sayser’s mission has been to ease the plight of Cleveland’s impoverished Jews in need while preserving their dignity and self-worth.

MB provides them with the support they need to deal with setbacks and redirect their energies towards establishing emotionally and financially stable families.

With very minimal overhead, funding goes directly to those in need

Matan B’Sayser assists Cleveland’s needy while maintaining utmost respect, preserving the dignity and self-esteem of the recipient.

Since its inception in March 1984 Matan B’Sayser’s mission has been to ease the plight of Cleveland’s Jew in need, while preserving his dignity and self-esteem.

Literally translated, Matan B’Sayser means a discreet gift. Our charitable organization effectively maintains the anonymity of its recipients while providing donors the opportunity to engage in this traditionally highly regarded level of tzedaka.

Our organization is operated by our dedicated volunteers. Other than meeting our basic expenses, your dollar provides full value to those in need.

What We Do

  • Bar mitzvah
  • Illness
  • Financial Assistance
  • Single parent
  • Loss of job
  • Special needs
  • Unpaid bills
  • Yom Tov needs
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