Tomchei Shabbos

It is Erev Shabbos; there is a knock at the door. The aroma of fresh chicken soup, challos and freshly baked babka permeates our home. Mr. X, father of a large family, stands there with a bashful expression on his face. He is the one who occasionally comes by with a modest donation for MB, to help others in need. Not so today. “I am sorry, but now I am on the other side. Unfortunately we had some crisis and I do not have enough money to buy food for Shabbos,
I was hesitant to come and feel very embarrassed, but I have no choice, it is for my children’s sake...”
As Cleveland grows and attracts new families, unfortunately, the number of families in need of assistance for Shabbos is growing too. Matan B’sayser’s Partners in Shabbos comes to the rescue.
Matan B’sayser of Greater Cleveland sends weekly Shabbos packages to recipient families with delicious ready to eat food and essentials. It is a time-honored custom of communities providing local needy families with the bare essentials for Shabbos.
Matan B’sayser can arrange to have a needy family be your Shabbos guests for one meal and more in the privacy of their home. Our buying power enables you to buy more food for less. Honoring your pledge, Matan B’sayser will prepare and deliver your Shabbos packages for a family to enhance their Shabbos Seudos. This family will be YOUR guest for the entire Shabbos.
On behalf of your guests, we thank you for making their Shabbos special.
To volunteer or benefit from Partners in Shabbos, please contact:
Shana Meystel (216) 297 9098
Chany Berner (216) 406 8094
Naomi Schwartz (301) 385 8946 Hadassah Schwartz (443) 301 6135
Your designated check can be sent to 3528 Blanche Ave. Cleveland 44118 or you can donate on line on